What Steve Jobs Taught me?

Jinesh Varia
Published in
1 min readOct 6, 2011


I never met Steve jobs but, like millions in this world, always had the pleasure and privilege to listen and learn from him. Steve defined an era, a culture and a style that many of us will cherish for years to come. There are number of things Steve has taught me, few of them are:

  1. Always Challenge the Status quo: If you don’t see things right, try to fix it. If you can’t, try harder (Apple’s comeback)
  2. Believe in your products and that you can change the world with persistence (Pixar, iPod, iPhone, iPad)
  3. User Experience and Design Matters: Make products, systems, things, processes that are easier to use and that they look good even though they are complex products (Simple designs of swipe, pinch, tap)
  4. Create a brand that people love; Present with elegance: This is not just applicable to speeches and presentations, but is applicable in everything we do. For example, if you are cooking daily food, be a chef and decorate it. (Steve’s presentations)

I am not saying I have nailed all these things. These are things I will cherish from iSteve!

— Jin



Founder & CEO, Industrility — Product Management, Industrial IoT, Ex-Hitachi, Ex-AWS. Passion for IoT, Mobile, Cloud Architectures. Father of one. Seattle